Sebuah pernyataan adalah instruksi lengkap dalam program Visual Basic. Ini mungkin berisi kata kunci, operator, variabel, nilai literal, konstanta dan ekspresi.
Laporan bisa dikategorikan sebagai:
Pernyataan deklarasi - ini adalah pernyataan di mana Anda nama variabel, konstanta, atau prosedur, dan juga dapat menentukan tipe data.
Pernyataan dieksekusi - ini adalah pernyataan, yang melakukan tindakan. Pernyataan ini dapat memanggil metode atau fungsi, lingkaran atau cabang melalui blok kode atau menetapkan nilai-nilai atau ekspresi untuk variabel atau konstan. Dalam kasus terakhir, hal itu disebut pernyataan Penugasan.
Laporan deklarasi
Laporan deklarasi digunakan untuk nama dan menentukan prosedur, variabel, properti, array, dan konstanta. Ketika Anda mendeklarasikan elemen pemrograman, Anda juga dapat menentukan jenis data, tingkat akses, dan ruang lingkup.
Unsur-unsur pemrograman Anda dapat menyatakan meliputi variabel, konstanta, mantri, kelas, struktur, modul, antarmuka, prosedur, parameter prosedur, kembali fungsi, referensi prosedur eksternal, operator, properti, peristiwa, dan delegasi.
Berikut ini adalah pernyataan deklarasi di VB.Net:
S.N | Statements and Description | Example |
1 |
Dim Statement
Declares and allocates storage space for one or more variables.
| Dim number As Integer Dim quantity As Integer = 100 Dim message As String = "Hello!" |
2 | Const Statement Declares and defines one or more constants. | Const maximum As Long = 1000 Const naturalLogBase As Object = CDec(2.7182818284) |
3 | Enum Statement Declares an enumeration and defines the values of its members. | Enum CoffeeMugSize Jumbo ExtraLarge Large Medium Small End Enum |
4 |
Class Statement
Declares the name of a class and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, and procedures that the class comprises.
| Class Box Public length As Double Public breadth As Double Public height As Double End Class |
5 |
Structure Statement
Declares the name of a structure and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, and procedures that the structure comprises.
| Structure Box Public length As Double Public breadth As Double Public height As Double End Structure |
6 |
Module Statement
Declares the name of a module and introduces the definition of the variables, properties, events, and procedures that the module comprises.
| Public Module myModule Sub Main() Dim user As String = InputBox("What is your name?") MsgBox("User name is" & user) End Sub End Module |
7 |
Interface Statement
Declares the name of an interface and introduces the definitions of the members that the interface comprises. | Public Interface MyInterface Sub doSomething() End Interface |
8 |
Function Statement
Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Function procedure.
| Function myFunction (ByVal n As Integer) As Double Return 5.87 * n End Function |
9 |
Sub Statement
Declares the name, parameters, and code that define a Sub procedure.
| Sub mySub(ByVal s As String) Return End Sub |
10 |
Declare Statement
Declares a reference to a procedure implemented in an external file.
| Declare Function getUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" ( ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByRef nSize As Integer) As Integer |
11 |
Operator Statement
Declares the operator symbol, operands, and code that define an operator procedure on a class or structure.
| Public Shared Operator + (ByVal x As obj, ByVal y As obj) As obj Dim r As New obj ' implemention code for r = x + y Return r End Operator |
12 |
Property Statement
Declares the name of a property, and the property procedures used to store and retrieve the value of the property.
| ReadOnly Property quote() As String Get Return quoteString End Get End Property |
13 |
Event Statement
Declares a user-defined event.
| Public Event Finished() |
14 |
Delegate Statement
Used to declare a delegate.
| Delegate Function MathOperator( ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double ) As Double |
Laporan executable
Sebuah pernyataan executable melakukan tindakan. Laporan memanggil prosedur, bercabang ke tempat lain dalam kode, perulangan melalui beberapa pernyataan, atau mengevaluasi ekspresi adalah pernyataan dieksekusi. Pernyataan penugasan adalah kasus khusus dari pernyataan dieksekusi.
Contoh berikut menunjukkan sebuah pernyataan pengambilan keputusan:
Module decisionsSub Main()'local variable definition 'Dim a As Integer = 10' check the boolean condition using if statement 'If (a < 20) Then' if condition is true then print the following 'Console.WriteLine("a is less than 20")End IfConsole.WriteLine("value of a is : {0}", a)Console.ReadLine()End SubEnd Module
Ketika kode di atas dikompilasi dan dijalankan, menghasilkan hasil sebagai berikut:
a is less than 20;value of a is : 10
Selamat Mencoba :)
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